1.Get there early. You dont want to be annoying and push your way to the front if you are late. That annoys the crowd SO much.

2. Dont be in their faces. If you have stage room, stand close enough but not like you are about to rape them, it distracts them. se optical zoom if you can [not if you have a prime lens]
3. Please please please dont use an internal flash. It looks like a snapshot. Take advantage of the stage lights. If you must use flash, purchase an external flash those work better.

4. It is ACCEPTABLE to have a grainy shot at ISO 800. I dont like to go anywhere above 800. But if I have to, I shall. BLURRY SHOTS are not good! Please refrain from slow shutters! Some photographers LIKE the motion blur. I dont. I really really DONT know why they do. I find hem unflattering.

5. Dont distract the musicians so much. Wear dark clothing if there is low light. Dont pull on their shoelaces or scream “I LOVE ________!!!!” You dont want them to fall and die.

6. Know which musicians do which tricks. Catch their move. Catch any spins, jumps, crowd surfs etc. Those make good things they will want to put on their websites.