Pop Up Flash

February 23, 2008

Ok, I normally HATE HATE HATE HATE the pop up flash, it blows out faces, it causes red eye and is just a general nuisance to pictures. I only use that flash in emergency situations if at all.

-if you WERE going to use it, I’d get a lightscoop from lightscoop.com, its not very compact, but it makes the pop-up flash bearable.


-Or alternatively get some sort of pop-up flash diffuser planes from amazon.

I’ve tried putting tissues in front of the flash, its just a pain to hold em there. So, you should at least do SOMETHING to get rid of the harsh shadows if you were to use pop-up flash.


February 22, 2008

The photography term Balance can be taken many ways.

-Are the colors balanced.how much black is there white? How much green is there red? How much blue is there orange?

-Is the amount of positive space equal to the amount of negative space?

-How do you interpret the word balance?

Some pictures may look good balanced. Some may not. It depends on the situation.

You can make “Chaos with Order, or Order with Chaos[quote from my teacher]”

Imbalance with Colors

Photography History.

February 13, 2008

Today in my class we had a discussion on History of Photography [this was the first time I’ve learned about this]. I realized that it used to be really complicated and they had to lug around a whole darkroom in the back of carts about 150 years ago or something like that even around the Western Exploration [of the US]. They had these big box-like “cameras” that would take about 8 hours to expose or something. The first negatives were in like 1930’s-1840’s I believe. Caused a big ruckus in the world when cameras were invented.

Hehe, some people thought it was evil and work of the devil!

It wasn’t until quite recently until we had the easiness of Digital Cameras and Photoshop etc.

I’m glad I dont have to lug around a big box like camera with a whole darkroom while taking photos.


February 10, 2008

This is my 7/52 week picture. Almost forgot to put it up too! Kinda outta focus, please forgive me.

Who am I? Who are you? Who are they?

1.Get there early. You dont want to be annoying and push your way to the front if you are late. That annoys the crowd SO much.

2. Dont be in their faces. If you have stage room, stand close enough but not like you are about to rape them, it distracts them. se optical zoom if you can [not if you have a prime lens]
3. Please please please dont use an internal flash. It looks like a snapshot. Take advantage of the stage lights. If you must use flash, purchase an external flash those work better.

4. It is ACCEPTABLE to have a grainy shot at ISO 800. I dont like to go anywhere above 800. But if I have to, I shall. BLURRY SHOTS are not good! Please refrain from slow shutters! Some photographers LIKE the motion blur. I dont. I really really DONT know why they do. I find hem unflattering.

5. Dont distract the musicians so much. Wear dark clothing if there is low light. Dont pull on their shoelaces or scream “I LOVE ________!!!!” You dont want them to fall and die.

6. Know which musicians do which tricks. Catch their move. Catch any spins, jumps, crowd surfs etc. Those make good things they will want to put on their websites.

Saving for Camera.

February 6, 2008

So weekly photography class started. The teachers pretty nice, and he’s good at it too. I think I’m one of the best photographers in my class now (I’m not being mean though lol) Our weekly assignment is Who am I/Who are You/Who are They.

Today I also got call from a group that holds concerts, seeking photography. They saw our flyer in a music store we put them on. That made my day

Today is Chinese New Year, so I will get at least 100 dollars from my parents, and an amount of moolah from some other family. It can fund my new camera soon! Which at this rate, I might get before February/March is over. After the camera, I will start saving for an external flash unit.

I have a photography class starting tomorrow. Can’t wait! Me and Taylor are gonna do that. Have you guys ever taken a class? I find it helps to network with other ones around the area. See whos good, See whos bad.

Outsiders Project FINISHED

February 4, 2008

It is the last category on my website. I hope you check them out. I am writing a speech right now to go with the concept and the project. I hope I get a good grade

6/52 We All Watch the Same Sunset

Mine was just showing up with a camera…taking some pictures for fun. Gave em my contact info when they loved the pictures. ^_^ Called few weeks later.


The Outsiders by S.E Hinton

January 30, 2008

One city. Divided in 2. 1960’s

The East Side- “Greaser Territory”The bad part of town. People who live here are poor. They’re struggling. The Greaser gang has got each other’s backs and are like a family since some people in the gang lost their families or are being almost abused. They’re the outcasts..

The West Side- “Soc [soa-sh] Territory” Socs are short for “Socials”. The west side is the good part of town. Rich kids live on this side. Some are snobs, some are regular people. The Soc gangs enjoy jumping the greasers for fun

The 2 sides of town hate each other just for being a “greaser” or a “soc” by living in a part of the town. It shows how society is shallow.


Well my english project requires it to be something different than the usual collage, or poster, or speech [boring]. One year, a student was in a band, and they wrote 3 songs relating to the book’s theme, and performed in a 45 min show in the school cafeteria. Quite different, and earned them an autmatic A for effort.

I dont have a band [anymore…mine broke up due to a fight.] so, I thought I’d being my photography into this. I’m going to do a photo essay slideshow type thing. I’m going to highlight the lifestyles of a typical “Greaser” and a typical “Soc”. Involving my 2 models Taylor [Soc] and Erin [Greaser]. Gonna be put into a category on my website for my english class. Gonna present it with index cards written with descriptions and explanations. maybe have alittle Elvis Presley in the background. Homework+Photography= GOOD!??!?